Tuesday, February 19, 2008

title: Suddenly Supernatural School Spirit

author: Elizabeth Cody Kimmel

Kat’s Mother is a medium, a person who sees spirits. On Kat’s thirteenth birthday she starts to see them also. Kat and Jac are working on a history project in the library, when a book falls off the shelf. When they put it back, it falls off again. As Kat is flipping through the pages, she notices a picture of a girl who is holding a flute. She reads the name Suzanne Bennis. Kat read that Suzanne had died as a senior in high school in 1960. After they were done with the book, Kat saw something out of the corner of her eye. It was a figure which happens to look just like Suzanne Bennis. She was holding a flute just like the girl in the picture. Was this Suzanne or was Kat seeing things? Should she try to help the spirit or just run? Read “Suddenly Supernatural School Spirit” to enjoy this chilling yet exciting book.

Thank you,


Anonymous said...

Hi Shaina. Nice book review. Do you like ghost stories? Does this book get scary? I like to read about ghosts, but I don't like to get scared (then I have nightmares!).
--Mrs. Schorr

Anonymous said...

Shana ,That sounds like a crepe book .I do not like those kind of books but good revue.

Anonymous said...

Shaina this sounds like a very different book. I think I will check it out Ashlee

Anonymous said...

Shaina what a great review and story. I can't wait to read this wonderful.

Unknown said...

Shaina this book sounds like a good book to read keep it up.


Anonymous said...

Shaina's book sounds good I would like to read about the girl with the flute.


Anonymous said...

Shaina's book sounds good I would like to read about the girl with the flute.


Anonymous said...

Good job Shaina.This book sounds good to read.I can not wait to read this book.Keep working hard.


Anonymous said...

Shaina, the review is very good. I like that book too. Good work.


Anonymous said...

Good job Shaina, This book sounds good to read. I can not wait to read this book. Keep working hard.


Anonymous said...

Shaina,this book sounds like a good book to read. Keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

Shaina's book sounds good. I would like to read about the girl with the flute.


Anonymous said...

Shaina, what a great review and book. I can't wait to read this wonderful book.


Anonymous said...

Shaina, That sounds like a creepy book. I do not like that kind of book, but you did a good review.
